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HELEN ADIE Music of the Search:  Gurdjieff/de Hartmann Music for  Piano

Helen Adie (1909-1996) was a renowned concert pianist and composer.  With her husband George she was a founder of one of the original Work groups in Australia. She was a Movements teacher and composed music for the Movements as well.  Intangible understanding informs her incomparable playing.  She penetrates deeply into the music and her playing is extraordinarily sensitive.  Music of the Search was transcribed by those close to Helen after her death.  We are fortunate to have this recording available. It has not been extensively publicized in the US.

HELEN ADIE Music of the Search: Gurdjieff/de Hartmann Music for Piano

SKU: CD AD 200

    Gurdjieff Society of Sydney, no year specified

    3-CD set, 58 tracks

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