Patty de Llosa seemed to never become tangled in the politics that develops in any organization with complex missions, including the Gurdjieff Work. She was as open and ecumenical in her spiritual interests as she was good-hearted in her writings and her personal relationships.
Her universe, whatever it might be called, was the opposite of the "one-man universe" -- "my-way-or-the-highway"-- type. Her view of life always made ample room for others, as exemplified during the last time I saw her, over lunch in uptown Manhattan. She had not visited Carl Lehmann-Haupt for a while, so, following our lunch she phoned him and we walked to Carl's apartment, to chat for a while. Carl's strongest statement during our time with him was declarative: "I love the Work!" Patty did, too, but she loved any teaching that leans toward the compassion and caring she manifested, in every human contact.
James Opie, founding member of the Gurdjieff Foundation of Oregon