annmiaOct 20, 2023The Unknowable Jane HeapThis month we are drawing attention to Jane Heap’s work in London. She worked tirelessly to transmit Gurdjieff's teaching and eventually...
annmiaJan 6, 2021Ensemble Resonance: Musings on CreativityGurdjieff Books and Music is fortunate to carry music by the chamber group "Ensemble Resonance." In the summer of 2000, an international...
annmiaOct 8, 2020The Second Democracy: Passages from The American Soul"Can the form of American democracy serve to point us toward the need for a deeper kind of communal attention? I believe it can. I...
annmiaSep 7, 2020The Last American: Preamble to The American SoulHe used to call himself "the last American." In fact, he seemed anything but American -- with his commanding British accent, his...
annmiaAug 23, 2020Treats from AustraliaThrough a combination of circumstances including direct transmission, we have become aware of material by George and Helen Adie and their...
Gurdjieff Books and MusicMay 28, 2020WelcomeWelcome! During this trying, tumultuous period, we hope this website serves as a reminder of the all the possibilities G. I. Gurdjieff...