Through a combination of circumstances including direct transmission, we have become aware of material by George and Helen Adie and their group in Australia. This material has not been extensively publicized in the US.
George Mountford Adie (1901-1989) was a stockbroker, inventor, and later a self-taught architect. He studied with Ouspensky, Gurdjieff, and Mme. de Salzmann. He and his wife Helen lived and worked in London until Mr. Adie had to move to Australia for health reasons. The ongoing results of pulmonary and other complications served as a powerful reminding factor in his inner work.

The Adies started a thriving group in Newport, New South Wales. The workings of this group and its surroundings are recalled in detail in George Adie: A Gurdjieff Pupil in Australia by George Mountford Adie and Joseph Azize.
The second part of the book contains direct transmissions from Mr. Adie including some group meeting transcripts. Mr. Adie was not simply a "group leader." He expresses hard-won wisdom and a broad and deep approach to work that is all his own. He also possesses an uncanny insight into his students' inner workings and human psychology in general. Those who were part of this atmosphere came away with something extremely valuable which is conveyed in this book.
Of interest in this revised edition of the book is a trove of letters between George Adie and Jeanne de Salzmann, "guide and friend." Communication continued between them until Mr. Adie's death.

Helen Adie (1909-1996) was a renowned concert pianist and composer (particularly for brass ensembles). She led Movements and composed Movements music as well. Her skills certainly serve her, but intangible understanding also informs her incomparable playing. She penetrates deeply into the pieces and her playing is extraordinarily sensitive. In the words of Joseph Azize,
There’s an aspiration in them, a sort of raising of the eyes and heart, which is so sustained and serious that it summons us to respond.
After her death those near her assembled the pieces for Music of the Search. This was made difficult by the fact that the taped recordings were compromised. We are fortunate to have this CD and we hope listeners in the US become familiar with it.