Here are records of conversations with Madame Sophia Gregorievna Ouspensky at the Ouspenskys' property in Mendham, New Jersey. Notes taken by pupils have been painstakingly edited by the late Dorothy Darlington, who had a particular affinity for Madame, and her colleague Clinton Smith.
We know little about Madame Ouspensky because she left no written record. Some pupils have recorded vivid descriptions of her. From the preface: "Madame and P.D. Ouspensky had both very specific functions in the Work. His was to disseminate the Ideas in pure form. Hers was to work with people individually who, as she said, 'already knew what they wanted'...When she left the Prieure in 1929, Gurdjieff gave her a MS copy of Beelzebub's Tales with the words, 'Go and help your husband in London.'"This was the beginning of organized practical work with the Ouspenskys in both England and the US.
SATURDAY EVENINGS AT MENDHAM: Conversations with Madame Ouspensky
Gurdjieff Heritage Society, 2022.
Paperback, 82 pages