The Voices of William and Louise Welch
The Welch family, well known in various groups in the United States and Canada, began in the Gurdjieff teaching in the 1930s, and continued in major roles for decades. Dr. Welch was most famous for attending Gurdjieff at the time of his death, and Louis Welch was editor-in-chief of Guide and Index to Gurdjieff’s Beelzebub’s Tales. William Welch served as President of the New York Foundation for over ten years, and they both led groups.
Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson
as read by William J. Welch
G.I. Gurdjieff/William J. Welch
In 1992, a few people close to Dr. Welch, who was then in his eighties, approached him about the possibility of making a recording of Beelzebub's Tales. This reading from the revised edition is not always exact, but the richly textured quality of his voice conveys a real sense of his genuine affinity for the material. These are MP3 files, formatted for playback on a computer.

Learn more about William and Louise Welch and hear an audio sample of Dr. Welch in
Gurdjieff International Review
Compassion for the Human Condition:
Gurdjieff Meetings with Dr. and Mrs. Welch in New York
Dr. William J. and Louise M. Welch
These are transcripts of group meetings from 1991 to 1997. Recordings were made starting in 1985, with the hope that they would be useful to those with experience as well as beginners becoming familiar with the teaching. One of their abiding questions was how to present Gurdjieff's approach without fear. These accounts provide a glimpse of the unique quality of their relationships with others.
A third member of this family, Patty de Llosa, Louise Welch’s daughter, brought ecumenical perspectives to bear in her many books and articles .